We offer a range of services from land sourcing through our Southern California relationships with land owners to inception of a new project through build-out. Our wide range of financial modeling, feasibility, and project experience leaves us uniquely qualified to handle your real estate and development needs. We have the experience to help you value a potential acquisition, entitle your property for highest value and marketability to home builders, manage your project through construction permits, or handle bond release at build-out and everything in between. Please contact us for an initial consultation today and we’ll ensure your project is on the road to success.
Due Diligence Market Feasibility
Our due diligence service offers a menu of selections to accommodate your specific needs. The end product is a comprehensive report featuring details such as in-depth market analysis including market competition analysis as well as product, spec and pricing recommendations, complete cost and schedule projections, a review of plans & entitlement documentation including map conditions, & CEQA documentation, title review, our customized residual/proforma analysis program, risk analysis, and purchase terms recommendations. The final report can be customized to be in-depth covering the full spectrum of feasibility requirements or high level (quick) to suit your specific needs.
Entitlements / Permits
Whether you are just starting on your entitlement process or pursuing building permits, we have the expertise to expedite your project through federal, state and local jurisdictions. Over the past 30-years we have entitled and permitted some of the largest and most well known projects in Southern and Central California. Let us put that experience to work for you.
Project Management
We have the experience and jurisdictional relationships to get your project on track and keep it on track through the life of your investment. Whether its establishing and managing a team of development consultants, managing project schedules and budgets with regular status reporting, providing representation at public hearings, providing community outreach to insure stakeholder buy-in, establishing an HOA or managing the bonding process, we have the expertise to guide your investment to success.
Community Outreach
A key to success for any development in Central and Southern California is to garner community buy-in. Although most new developments will never achieve 100% buy-in, we have a successful track record in some of the hardest to develop communities in Central and Southern California such as Santa Barbara, San Diego & Ventura County.
Project Development
Whether you are a property owner or an investor, we have the knowledge and experience to add value to your land by obtaining approvals for the highest and best use of your property. Far too often land owners and investors obtain approvals for their property development only to find many developers and home builders are not interested in the product they’ve obtained approval for. We have the home builder industry experience and relationships in-place to insure this will not happen to your investment.
Design / Engineering
We have provided development engineering services some of the largest and most well known residential, institutional and commercial project in Southern California. Need a 3rd party review of your plan or looking to get a new project off the ground? Give us a call.
Product & Specification Development
We provide product advisory services throughout Central and Southern California. Want to insure your product is right for the market or need guidance on selecting the right product or spec level? We have a successful track record in communities throughout Central and Southern California, let us put our market knowledge and experience to work for you.
Construction Management
Need someone to manage your investment in the field? We have the expertise to manage your contractors, schedules, and budgets to insure your investment is on schedule and on budget.